Circular Economy

Optimized Manufacturing

The concept of a circular economy involves taking materials and resources from products at the end of their useful life and re-using and re-purposing them to manufacture new products. At Genesis Dome, we recognize the importance of this model. Our solutions for the manufacturing sector drive and promote the optimization of circular economies. These solutions not only protect the environment but also encourage innovation and optimization in industry and the manufacturing sector.

circular economy illustration

Increased Cost of Raw Materials

Not only are raw materials in high demand and difficult to extract in an environmentally-friendly way, but they are also costly to obtain. As the quantities of raw materials in the world decrease, prices increase due to scarcity and import costs. As a result, raw materials for manufacturing become more expensive.

Negative Environmental Impact

The conventional way of extracting resources from the environment is harmful to the earth, as doing so increases carbon emissions. In addition, products are traditionally discarded at landfills and other natural areas once they exhaust their useful life, which negatively impacts the environment.

Growing Demand for Resources

Given that there are a finite amount of resources in the world, demand for them increases over time. Human populations are rising while the amounts of raw materials are simultaneously getting depleted. This inverse relationship creates a growing demand for raw materials.

Benefits of a Circular Economy

Less Demand/Cost for Raw Resources

Since circular economies re-use and re-purpose resources, there is much less reliance on using raw materials for manufacturing purposes. As a result, circular economies make the manufacturing process less expensive because raw materials do not need to be purchased as often. Using materials again creates additional value and minimizes resource costs.

Improved Product Innovation

Circular economies cultivate innovation from a product design and manufacturing perspective. Re-using and re-purposing materials promotes more environmentally friendly, efficient, and cost-efficient ways to produce new versions of the same product.

Minimizing Environmental Impact

The circular economy model reduces waste output, which minimizes environmental impact. Circular economies are a more environmentally friendly alternative than the traditional linear model, in which materials are thrown away in large quantities. A circular economy is a sustainable solution because it reduces waste and is environmentally friendly.